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BeautybytheC (#126281)

Hi there! Are you or someone you know looking for a stay at home business opportunity? This business is simple! Buy jewelry wholesale for $2.75 and sell it for $5!! I joined Paparazzi Accessories over 6 years ago and my goal was to work from home full time! I worked for Olive Garden for ten years and wanted to be home with my kids after my son was hit by a car. Before paparazzi, I was a struggling single working mom and after just one full year, I was able to leave my job!! Not only was I able to start working from home full time, but my fiancé and I were able to make an incredible income and have more freedom and time to help others do the same! We currently lead a team of almost almost 7400 Business Partners! We couldn't be more blessed with the individuals that have chosen this amazing opportunity and journey! Thank you for checking out my website and feel free to message me for any information about shopping or joining our AMAZING TEAM!

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